Tuesday 10 February 2009

The best laid plans......

As I write this I should in fact be at my running club. Not running, you understand, but dropping in for a diet coke and a chat with the runners. They're a great bunch of people and to be honest I've dropped off the face of the earth and reckon I should put in an appearance to explain where I've gone.

Of course better people than me run right through their pregnancies but if my only motivation is not to put on weight - and let's face it, that's not a battle I can win in my current state - then I haven't the will power to don tracksuit and trainers and brave the elements.

As it happens, was totally disorganised getting children ready for bed, then took ages washing up, so now it feels a bit too late to go out (and I've been wearing pyjamas since about 6pm so one wonders how much I actually wanted to go out in the first place!). Oh well, there's always next week.

Went for an ante-natal checkup at the GP surgery today. Thank goodness he didn't want to weigh me!!

Heard baby's heartbeat for the first time which was lovely. There's an Old Wives' Tale (I love those!!) which says that if the heart rate is under 140 it's a boy and over 140 it's a girl. It was 132, so it looks like we could be heading for boy Number 3. Of course, it could be a load of rubbish, but time will tell.....!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats HMG. How exciting to hear your baby's heartbeat.

    I agree that housework is easier to ignore than you might think. I have kind of a standing challenge to myself to see how much I can "let go" and still live with. It's amazing how life goes on despite dust bunnies and piles of mail.
