Monday 9 February 2009

Mother - know thy place......

My boys have developed a lovely habit of when saying 'Goodbye' to me, always saying, 'I love you Mummy. You're the best Mummy in the world!'

This morning however, my 6 year old added a bit....

'You're the best Mummy in the far.'

I explained that I will be the only Mummy he's going to have, to which he replied with only the logic and honesty a child can muster,

'Yes, but there are other Mummies in the world and I haven't met them all yet so, you're the best Mummy in the world so far.'

There was pretty much nothing I could say to that!!


  1. Cute!
    Welcome to blogging, and congratulations on your pregnancy!
    Thanks so much for dropping on me; I hope you enjoyed your visit :)

  2. That's so dear. Their logic is fetching and keeps us smiling so we continue to love them even as they drive us nuts.

    Well, for me anyway.

    Nice blog, good luck.

    sallymandy, Montana, US

  3. Ooo, that's some logic. You'll need your wits about you with him!
