Saturday, 21 February 2009

Mud, glorious mud!

8 year old loves football - watching it, playing it and talking about it. In this, he is very much like Husband (though Husband no longer plays).

6 year old shares my views on matter:
'It's just not important, Mummy.' Quite.

Anyway, 8 year old spent two happy hours playing footie with cubs and scouts today. Trail of mud in house as it was caked on his legs and socks. I have dealt with bath and washing machine is currently dealing with kit. I haven't gone near his boots though. Am hoping Husband's love of football will see him clear to tackle the boot cleaning duties!

Having said that, Husband currently cooking fab-smelling curry from scratch. Don't think I'm in a position to complain if he doesn't get to the boots today. Me? I've managed to clean the bath as my sole contribution to housework etc today.

Have also bought a couple of pairs of maternity jeans as the normal ones I'm wearing are trying to cut me in half. About time I gave in to the forgiving nature of elastic waistbands!!


  1. I told my husband is was a dad's job to clean and polish children's shoes - no argument - just do it - and he does! He he he! Will have to offload other jobs in same manner ....

  2. I'm with you, modern man cooking is rather like being near old dynamite ( I imagine) one knock and it will all go up! Much better to leave it till after and then.. as YOU are clearing up the aftermath, you can pose the suggestion!! Do you dare?

  3. ps check your blog clock because I am not up at 1 am! it's 09.14 up here in the Norfff!
